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Rainy Season Jacket for Extra Body

WEATHER does not prevent you to look stylish. When the rainy season like now, wearing a jacket outside the daily fashion is one powerful way to get around appearance. Because, in addition to being heated and body armor in the rain, jackets are also able to boost performance.

For those of you who was an extra and want to still look OK at the time of the activity (without reducing your comfort) you can follow the following tips in choosing protective clothing (jackets) for day-to-day activities, the following tips:

  1. For those of you who were extra, choose a jacket with straight cut which has a length of up to hip. Pieces which tend masculine silhouette that will provide a longer body so you look slim. As for dalamannya, wear overalls necked blouses or "V" in order to effect lean more apparent.
  2. Conversely avoid long jacket with limited stomach that has a pocket on the front outboard. Not only give effect to zoom in, the pocket will also make the stomach look big.

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